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A Skilled Master Electrician in Edmonton, AB

Solutions for Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Clients

Poole Electric has provided customers like you with peerless electrical services since 2021. Our Edmonton, AB master electrician and owner has established us as a leader in the region, providing eco-friendly services in a friendly and transparent package. You can expect the best service, products, and results when you work with our company. Our commitment to our core values has led to outstanding community trust and has allowed our team to deliver tailored services to residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Whether you need us for a straightforward inspection or a comprehensive system overhaul, you can count on our professionalism and cutting-edge approach.

Eco-friendly Electrical Services in Edmonton, AB

Innovative Solutions for Property Owners

We have steadily grown in the past two years and bolstered our sterling reputation through efficient and transparent services. Whether you are a residential, commercial, or industrial property owner, you can expect an innovative approach and a team that provides tailored solutions. We want to provide the best value for your investment, and we do so by listening to your concerns and suggesting the most appropriate solution. Our owner, Eric Poole, leads the way by example. He uses his expertise as a master electrician to find new ways to ensure you feel valued, heard and cared for on every job. No matter the task, you can expect devotion, transparency, and effectiveness.

Sustainable Solutions for a Changing World

We believe the electrical industry must shift from old ways of thinking to new, sustainable solutions. Eric saw an opportunity to provide eco-friendly electrical services in a market where none existed. If you are a homeowner or business owner who cares about the environment, Poole Electric is an excellent resource. Our commitment to providing tailored service allows us to boost your reputation as an environmentally-friendly business among your clients. For homeowners, we can reduce your carbon footprint and install more efficient systems.

Poole Electric

Serving Edmonton Alberta


Hours of Operation
24/7 emergency service