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Passionate, Capable Electricians in Edmonton, AB

Poole Electric wants to brighten your property. Our team has years of experience providing customers like you with the electrical services they need. Our Edmonton, AB master electricians are friendly and capable. More importantly, our owner, Eric Poole, is a master electrician whose passionate leadership and expertise result in satisfied clients – no matter how complicated the job might be. We work hard, multitask well, and work around your schedule when necessary. Over the years, we have grown and innovated, allowing our team to cater our services to each customer. If you need outstanding electrical services, you can count on our team to deliver on our promises.

Residential Home Electric Services in Edmonton, Alberta

Top Tier, Sustainable Electrical Services for Homeowners

Our talented electricians improve homes by offering an impressive range of residential electrical services. We can help you if you buy a home with a thorough inspection to ensure the wiring, outlets, and breakers are up-to-date and safe. Our team installs energy-efficient interior and exterior lighting and can handle landscape and security lighting. We know how to install home automation lighting, we can upgrade your electrical panel, and our team provides 24/7 emergency services. You can trust our team to ensure your family’s safety and comfort.

Keep Your Customers Returning and Employees Safe and Happy

We have a long history of working with businesses to improve their stature with their clients. We perform inspections, set up offices with energy-efficient solutions, and install exterior and parking lot lighting. If your building is older or isn’t functioning anymore, we can upgrade your electrical system with modern systems and provide extra security by installing a backup generator. We are especially proud of our ability to install network cabling and set up IT systems. Our ability to improve your communication infrastructure sets us apart.

24/7 Emergency Services for Industrial Clients

Industrial properties have high-voltage and special needs. Our electricians know how to work in challenging environments. We can wire heavy machinery, perform safety inspections, and install control systems. We also provide essential 24/7 emergency responses, ensuring you will not suffer productivity lapses during lapses. We understand our industrial clients’ challenges, making us the best choice for you and your company. Trust our team for careful control system integration, preventative maintenance, and compliance today.

A Sterling Reputation for Innovation and Top-Tier Services

One of our founding principles is the need for uninterrupted, safe, and environmentally friendly electricity. We illuminate lives through our services and are proud of our reputation. We emphasize innovation and efficiency and always place your needs first. We have thrived because of these commitments and our ability to adapt to any environment. Whether you own a residential, commercial, or industrial property, you will experience peak customer service and enjoy a fully optimized electrical grid. That’s the Poole Electric difference.

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Place Your Trust in Our Master Electrician Today